Went to an arraignment. DA said, "so the PD comes to arraignments now?" I said "no, but they thought it would be educational for me."
Anyway, it was client's first criminal charge, of Minor Consuming Alcohol. She blew 0.081, so, 0.002 more than is legal, except that of course none is legal for a minor. Client didn't appear. DA said she was picked up four days before. This is a charge that does not lead to any jail time. So, DA decided to dismiss the case. So I guess that makes it my first dismissal.
Tried to catch the Anchorage hiking group. Intern #3 went with. Drove van to trailhead south of Anchorage, on Turnagain Arm. Made good time, only 7 minutes late, but we'd missed the group. Followed trail we found, and went some ways up Suicide Peak (I think) over the water. Found out next day we'd followed the proper first trail, but had taken the second part that was wrong. The proper second part was 20 feet away from the rockslide we climbed. Picture above shows view from how high got.