Friday, September 02, 2005

in saddle again

Was odd getting back into things here. Several days didn't sleep at best time, I mean, didn't sleep at night for long. Then was dealing with academic hurdles, most significant of which was that I didn't have my student loan (my fault for submitting a form in Aug. that I should have submitted in Jan.) So I wasn't really signed up for classes. But it came through a couple of days ago, so, very good! Now seems more like I'm supposed to be here. Now that the loan's come through, they'll even let me into the gym, and that's nice.

But was peculiar in the meantime, when I was going to classes, wondering if any of the profs. would ask me what I was doing there, when I hadn't paid for my classes. They didn't. Then, too, after a few days, I didn't want to go to classes more than a few times without reading for classes. So I skipped a couple. Then the loan came through and I bought a book (99$) for Administrative Law. I guessed at what I'd need to read, read that, went to class, and the prof. asked me to tell the class about the case. I'd read the case, so, I could do that. So, good.

What else...
My first Environmental class met to observe argument in the second Zeb Mountain case. Was good to hear that stuff going on in this case, which is just huge stuff around here. See pictures of the relevant mine at the UTlawenviro site, or at Flickr, both in the links to the right.

Been good to be back here in Knoxville for the Pilot Light. Maybe the best place in east TN, music-wise. Local bands most nights of the week. On Sunday they had a pot-luck, which I wish was going on likewise in every town across the country, as far as that the indie music people would get together for dinner before a long series of bands every once in a while. Made me compare to the weekly dinner I attended in AK, which was at the American Legion, and was different and the same.